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Hot Dipping Galvanizing Manual
The single and most comprehensive book of hot-dip galvanizing ‘Handbook of Hot-dip Galvanization’ meets sector professionals through GALDER. Professor Dr. You can obtain our hot dip galvanizing handbook, which is translated into Turkish by Mr. Recep Artır and his team.
For further information, please contact our association on 0216 445 71 21.
6.Payment Options
You can complete your order by submitting the price of books / books to our association’s bank accounts below. Be sure to specify the number of books with the “SDG Handbook” description at the deed. TL Account Info Account Name: Genel Galvanizciler Der – GALDER İktisadi İşletmesi Bank : Vakıfbank Branch Name / Code: Tuzla İçmeler / 771 Iban: TR18 0001 5001 5800 7299 4540 94
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